Saturday, November 29, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

Year after year we set our Christmas tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving and this year was no exception.  Morgan was so excited to decorate the tree this morning, she could hardly stand it.  Mark put the tree together (yes, artificial) yesterday, and strung the lights.  Morgan did a great job hanging the ornaments.  Even Molly did her best to help with the decorating.  So far, the tree is still standing, but it will be amazing if it stays that way.  

The finished product.  
We'll have the official "tree lighting ceremony" tonight. 
More pics to come.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Strawberry Snatcher

Molly LOVES her strawberries!  So much, that she had no trouble finding them for herself.  
(FYI...the headband was her idea.) 


Uh Oh!  Caught in the act.

Oh well!  Yummy!!

Cookin' NANTA

Chuck, Nancy, Morgan, Mark and I attended a comedy show called Cookin' NANTA this week.  It's a nonverbal show that incorporates music, Marshall arts, dance, comedy, kitchen skills and more.  We were all impressed with the talents of the 5 performers on stage.  The setting is a kitchen inside of a wedding hall.  The 3 chefs are just given the menu for the nights wedding reception and have just one hour to complete the task.  Throw in the maitre d's screwball nephew and its quite a riot.  We all enjoyed the show, including Morgan.  She really got into it and I even spied her laughing out several times.  

The best part of the show was when Chuck was pulled on stage to participate.  He was given a large wooden bat and was supposed to bang it (to the beat) on the kitchen counter.  He did pretty good considering he is not the most musically inclined person.  He also needed to "catch" the steamers full of dumplings as they were rolled down a conveyor belt.  Morgan thought it was so funny that her Grandpa was on stage.  We couldn't take pictures during the performance but after the show we took a few pics of Chuck with his chef's hat and the stage behind him.    

It was a really funny show and we've recommended it to all of our friends.  We'll be sure to take our next house guests to the show as well.  

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hat Happy!!

Molly caught old of her Grandpa's hat today and did a great job modeling with it!!

Waking Up!

Here is our little Munchkin waking up from her nap this afternoon.  So sweet!

St. Andrew's Ball 2008

Mark and I attended the St. Andrew's Ball Saturday night to celebrate St. Andrew and all things Scottish including music, haggis, and Scotch.  It was a really fun time, as promised.  And I know you'll be surprised to hear that we made it all the way to breakfast.  We were home about 4:25a.m. and in bed by 4:30.  Here are some pics of the evening...

Mark, lookin' good!!!

My neighbor Su-Lin, married to Thomas, Mark's co-worker

Terri and I

Me with Mrs. Chieftain, Anne

Mark and I with John and Terri

The bagpiper

Mark and I with the Chieftain, Mike.

"The Quaich".  (Pronounced quake) Basically a really 
good reason to drink a bowl full of scotch.

Preparing the Quaich for Thomas to drink.

Tipping the quaich upside down to prove he drank it all.
What a trouper!!

GM at it's finest.  Mark, Scott, Thomas, and Dave.  
All Mark's co-workers.

Me with Mark's co-worker from China, Elaine

Pictures of the traditional dancing.

Lookin' happy & dapper in his Tartan vest.
Mark has true scottish ties on his Mom's side of the family.
Instead of ordering a kilt, he had a vest made in his family Tartan.

The band - direct from Scottland

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Final Soccer Saturday...

and we made it!!  Morgan felt up to going so we did.  Molly stole the show with her zebra hat.  But I wouldn't expect any less from our "Wild Child".  The kids had a fun practice and then two games.  They had a pizza party (at 10 am) where they distributed medals and a team photo.  We are really proud of our little soccer star and are looking forward to the spring season.