Saturday, October 31, 2009

Molly Has a Little Crush

Molly has a crush on her class mate Facundo (South American). It is the sweetest thing. She is quick to tell you he is her "boyfriend" and that he is her favorite friend in her class. Facundo visited our house for Trick or Treating and Molly couldn't get to the door fast enough to see him. Although she played all shy and wouldn't take a picture with him. It is so hard to believe that our little girl can have a crush already. Sweet!

Happy Halloween!

The girls were so excited for Halloween this year. They spent a lot of time celebrating with friends and of course, enjoying their sweets.

Molly was able to wear her costume to school on Friday and was happy to see her friends dressed up too.

Morgan's school doesn't celebrate Halloween. With it being an International school, they have to appease all cultures. Some don't like the idea of Halloween. As room mom, I couldn't let the kids go without a little something special on Friday. I made pumpkin shaped cut out cookies and sent in Halloween pencils for each student in the class.

Friday night we went to the Seoul Club Halloween Party. Unfortunately it didn't go over well with the girls. It was total chaos. Over 100 kids running around. Most unsupervised. Molly ended up in tears and we left early. The girls didn't even care that they didn't get their treats.

On Saturday, we had 2 families join us for dinner and Trick or Treating. Unfortunately the rain started early in the day and didn't clear. But it didn't ruin our fun. The kids had a blast and didn't mind that we only visited 6 houses.

Enjoy the pics of our adorable Bumble Bee and beautiful Witch!!!

Molly before heading off to school.

SC Party!

Chef Arnold was really creative with the menu for the party.
Little Witchy-poo!

The gang!
Ryan, Katie & Morgan are all in the same class.

I had glow sticks for each of the kids in our group.
Here's Molly showing off hers.

Checkin' out the loot.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Zoo Day!

We took a trip to the zoo today and were so glad we did. The Fall colors are beautiful and we took them all in! Enjoy the pics!!!

Morgan trying to look scared.

Flamingos were a hit with the girls.
I was so happy to see Morgan showing here little sis the giraffes and just being a good big sis.

"Sharing" Cotton Candy

We took a chair lift ride from the park back to the parking lot. Molly was all for it while Morgan was hesitant to go on. It didn't take long though and she loved it too!
The view from above.

Pretty good self family portrait, if I do say so myself.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday Swim

The girls wanted to swim today and with an indoor pool available to us, there really was no excuse not to. Especially since we're all feeling much better now. We all had a fun time! The girls practiced diving and we were able to get some pics of our little mermaids. Enjoy!

Molly's Dive/Belly flop
I don't really know what to say about this!
Our Diving Diva

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hat Party!!

It's that time of year again! The Melbourne Cup is just 3 weeks away. Today was the Hat Party in preparation for the cup. Lots of hats to choose from and lots of ladies looking to win their perfect hat! I was one of those lucky ladies. I'm all set and ready for the Cup. Let's just hope I can win sweeps again this year.

Terri & I
Terri, Wendy, Me & Dorie