Saturday, January 30, 2010

So Proud of My Family

I cannot express enough how proud I am my family. I love them dearly and lately I've been beaming with pride all because of them.

In January, Mark celebrated 10 years working with GM. He's had his ups and downs with the company, but he's persevered and has come a long way in those short years. He had goals in place and met those goals. It took hard work and he had to overcome some obstacles, but he did it. Now Mark is making new goals and I am sure he will achieve those as well. I am proud to be his wife of (almost) 9 years.

Morgan has been quite the helper lately. At first I thought she just wanted something and was doing extra work around the house to pave the way. But this helpful trend is still going strong. Last week she chose a meal for us to have for dinner and helped prepare every dish. She even took out the garbage. All the way outside! She has been pretty patient with Molly lately too. Out little girl is growing up!

Molly is pretty much done with potty training (except at night). It seems like one day she decided she was a big girl and that was it! We've had several outings and she is able to stay dry. I am so happy this finally clicked with her. She is doing great in school and I am happy to see how much she enjoys it. Our little girl is almost 3 and she is looking forward to her first real party next weekend.

Yesterday the girls and I dropped Mark off at the airport. He will be in Australia this week for business. After saying our goodbyes the girls and I went ice skating and sledding with the American Women's Club. Once again I was so proud of our girls for trying something new.

Morgan was nervous, but did great. Molly was so excited and could hardly contain herself. I held her up as we skated around the ice. She kept screaming out "Look at me Go! Go! Go!" At 7 pm I had to drag the girls inside to eat some dinner. But it didn't take long and they were back out for more. It was a beautiful night and we had a blast. We only wish that Mark was with us for this fun experience. I'm sure we'll be back and hopefully he can join us!

Here are some pictures of our fun evening:

Morgan out for a spin

Me & Molls
(Thanks to Morgan for taking this cute pic)

Molly sledding
She went 1 time and that was enough for her. Too fast!
I did manage to get her to go down with me a couple of times.

Morgan comin' atcha!
Morgan in the middle with her friends Ryan & Brendan

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Girls Day Out

Both girls were off of school on Monday because of a teacher work day. We had plans to go sledding and ice skating with friends, but they were sick. So we made our own plans. Off to the aquarium, which the girls love. When we arrived there, I realized I had left my wallet at home. We had our aquarium passes with us, so we knew we could get in. We just couldn't pay for parking. I called Mark in a panic and he agreed to meet us to bring us some money and have lunch with us.

When the girls and I had finished with the aquarium, we still had some time before Mark arrived. So we wandered around the huge mall where the aquarium is located. We decided to check out the movie listings. They had Disney's The Princess and The Frog playing (in English). Yay! Mark arrived and took us to lunch. Then I took the girls to the movie! It is super cute with great music. The girls LOVED it! And Morgan LOVED the garlic butter popcorn. Mark insisted that she brush her teeth when she got home.

We had a fun, and eventful, Girls Day Out!

Here are some pics of the girls bouncing around before we went out. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Molly has discovered the COWGIRL BOOTS!!!!

And she LOVES them!!!! Here are some pics of our proud girl and her boots.
(Don't let the warm weather dresses fool you. The gils were just playing around. Its still really cold here.)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some Pictures Just Because

Monday, January 4, 2010

Keeping Busy

Day 2 of being snowed in. The girls LOVE playing in the snow, but they have to come in to warm up every so often. Thank you Nana & Grandpa for Molly's new paints. The girls spent most of the morning creating masterpieces before heading out in the snow.

Snow Day

We woke up to snow this morning and it just kept coming. I know that 1 foot of snow is not a huge deal, but for Korea its the biggest snowfall they've had in 100 years!!! Mark wasn't able to get out to go to work. So what else to do, but get out in it to play! It doesn't look like we'll be driving anywhere tomorrow either. So another snow day is in our future.