Monday, November 30, 2009


Molly is so talkative. I swear the only time she is NOT talking is when she is sleeping. Otherwise, she is quite the chatterbox. Here are a few things she has said that just make you smile (or chuckle under your breath).

When asked "what would you like for lunch?" Molly replied "Mac N Cheese!!!" (Shocker.) When told we were out of Mac N Cheese, Molly replied "WHAT?!?!?!?!" As if the World had come to an end.

Driving to school I was cut off by another car and made a Huffing sound. Molly tells me, "you don't have to get mad, Mom."

She is obsessed with the Christmas tree. She loves turning the lights on in the evening and looking at all of the ornaments. We came in from outside and Molly says "Oh MY Christmas! It's WONDERFUL!"

She is still very adament that Facundo is HER boyfriend!

In the car, Molly likes to look at all the buses and tell their colors. Today she asked "Is that MY blue city bus?" (She has been on the city bus with Miss Tessie a couple of times. She doesn't have a school bus, but she HAS a city bus.) She can even tell you that she rides the 110.

Molly and I drove Morgan to school today. Molly was being very patient and good while I was having a conversation with another Mom. The Mom let a certain 4 letter word slip out of her mouth and Molly says "She said the "S" word!" I was embarassed, but the other Mom thought it was great (and apologized for her inappropriate language).

"How do you know that, Mom?"

"I'm no longer a baby! I'm sure I'm no longer a baby!!"

That's our girl!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Girl

Here is a link to the video from Molly's Thanksgiving skit at school:

Hope everyone enjoys the short clip.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Turkey Talk

Our little ham was quite the Turkey during the Thanksgiving skit at Pre School today! Here are some pictures from her debut performance. Video to be uploaded soon.

This is the infamous "Facundo", and his pouty face.

That's our girl!

Proud Mama!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A New Activity

Morgan has been asking a lot lately about wanting to take Taek Won Do. So finally last night she had the opportunity to try it out at the Seoul Club. Looks like we've found another activity for Morgan to participate in. She LOVED it! She's already asking when the next lesson is and "when do I get my uniform?"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No H1N1 for this family!

Molly woke up at 2 am this morning with a very unhappy tummy. I won't go into detail because it was not pretty. We ended up making a family trip to the doctor to have Molls checked out and to get Flu shots for the rest of the us. I was worried that the "family that doesn't get the Flu" had just got the Flu. It turns out that Molly just has a stomach bug. Nothing more than a virus. She should be fine in just a couple of days. She is such a trooper! She was even singing during the Dr. visit.

Next up were the Flu shots for Mark, Morgan and I. Needless to say, Morgan was NOT happy. She happily let Mark and I get our shots first, squeezing our hands and holding back tears. When it was her turn, she didn't even flinch. OUR BRAVE GIRL!

Hopefully we can kick this virus quickly and we can all continue on the path to good health!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vietnam Day 1

This is Ruth that coordinated the entire trip for us. Her smile lasted all 4 days. She is truly an amazing person.
Houses like these sell for $650,000.

Sugar Cane
Hilton Hotel

Opera House
Feather Dusters

Vietnam Day 2

Our Fabulous Group
The electrical wiring is scary!
Typical housing
Ceramics Village

Outside of a temple

Hoa Lo Museum
aka Hanoi Hilton

Matiz Taxi

Silk Village

Weaving the silk

Dying the silk
Silk Worm Cocoons
Silk Worms
Food for the silk worms

Ipa Nima!!!!!