Friday, June 12, 2009

So Proud!!

I'm beaming!!! Can you see it??? I just reviewed Morgan's second term report card, and I am more than proud of our little. I know she was just in Junior Kindergarten, but the words written by her teacher and all of the specialist teachers have sent me over the moon.

Morgan's teacher, Mrs. Benger, wrote a full page report about her, her skill levels, and how how she participates in class. Each of the specialist teachers wrote a few sentences about Morgan and how she did in their class. The one that really got me was written by the Korean teacher. She wrote:

"I thoroughly enjoyed teaching Morgan this year. This delightful young lady was a model student in every way. Always calm and attentive, she was a good influence to the other students. She also took part in all class activities joyfully. I'm very proud of her. Outstanding, Morgan!"

Still smiling here!!!!

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