Friday, January 16, 2009

Snow Angels

We had snow today!!  It started early this morning, and when I took Morgan up to the bus stop we had just a dusting.  A little too much for the bus though.  It couldn't make its way up the hill, so the kids had to go to the bottom to the emergency bus stop.  (Thank you to my neighbor's driver for taking Morgan down with the other kids.)  When it was light enough for Molly to see out the window, she was ready to go out.  So she put her boots and coat on and we went to the front porch.  I promised her more snow action once Morgan got home from school.  By noon we had about 3 inches of fluffy white snow.  Of course the sun came out in the afternoon and started melting it pretty quickly.  The girls did manage to get out for a while and had a fun time playing around.  Here are some pictures of our snow angels today.

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