No kidding! Today, Morgan is home for a snow day. My driver told me yesterday "no snow...17 years!" Go figure. But again, this is par for us. It seems like every time we move to a new state, they have extremely cold and snowy winters. Like when we first moved to Tennessee and they had 8 inches of snow one winter day.
Today our driver, Mr. Yu, brought us a Chinese New Year gift from his company. He brought two packages of dried mushrooms. Thank heaven there are English instructions on the package. Last week, he brought us a bottle of cooking oil, and mandarin oranges (fresh,
not in a can). This is very typical of the Chinese. They give very practical gifts including foods and money. We will reciprocate with the traditional hongboa (red envelope) before the Chinese New Years Eve.
On Sunday we will go to a "traditional" New Years celebration. I found it listed in an expat publication promising "traditional fashion with Dragon and Lion dance accompanied by classic Chinese drums and music." There will be supervised use of sparklers and craft projects for the kids. There will also be a brunch featuring chinese and western foods. It should be fun. We are looking forward to learning more about this holiday which is so special to the chinese.
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