Thursday, April 30, 2009

So I say to Molly...

"Eat your dinner."

And she replies...."I working on it."


Here are some recent pics of the girls.

Our little monkeys in Molly's "new" bed.  And yes, she has figured out that she can climb out and come upstairs at 5:30 in the morning.
Making sugar cookies.  Molly was eager to wear the "birthday hat".  Who knows where she came up with that.
Resident baker and all around cutie!!!
Our M&M's!!
Molly looking all sassy for hanging out with Mama.  And just like Mom, purse in hand with sunglasses on and cell phone in bag.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Primary Fun Day

Today was Primary Fun Day at Morgan's school.  The lower elementary classes split up into groups of about 4 children each.  Then each group went around and participated in 27 different games.  I helped out by leading Morgan's group through the fun activities.  We could not have asked for better weather and the kids all had a great time. 

Sack Race
Our Group
Dillon, Saya, Noelle & Morgan

Here Morgan is lying on a scooter and her team is pulling her to the finish line.  This was a favorite activity by all. 
"Cobblestone Walk"
Another pulling game.  This one is called dog sled.  Here Noelle is pulling Morgan.
Morgan had to bounce the ball off of the net and then catch it.
Bouncy Balls.  Another favorite.
Giant T-Ball
Lookin' Good!
Jump Rope
Hot & tired, waiting for the relay race to begin.
Relay Race

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I shouldn't have known

Mark took the side rail off of Molly's crib this past weekend.  She's been doing really good in her "new" bed.  She's taken naps and slept all night long.  I've repeatedly told Morgan NOT to encourage Molly to get out of the bed, and NOT to show her how to climb in and out.  Well wouldn't you know it, she figured it out on her own.  We were playing in the room yesterday afternoon and she climbed right in to get a book and slid right back down to get out.  Then this morning, I was in our bathroom and Morgan came in.  Not unusual.  But the sneaky little look and the shuffle of little feet was unexpected.  Sure enough, Molly popped her head around the door and gave me a HUGE "Mor'ing Mama".  Little stinker.  

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Thunderstorm

Molly and I were playing in front of the big window admiring the sun, contemplating going outside to play.  The next minute the skies clouded over and we heard a huge clash of thunder.  A few minutes later the rain started and we had it.  Our first storm of the season.  Not sure if this is really something to celebrate, but at least the flowers are happy.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Mark played squash today at the Seoul Club so the girls and I tagged along.  I worked out and the girls played in the playroom.  While we were there we noticed a sign saying that the pool will be opening May 2.  I sure hope the weather gets a little nicer and that the pool is heated.  At any rate the opening of the pool means one thing....summer is coming.  We are all very excited about this.  As a matter of fact, I just booked our tickets to come home this summer.  The countdown has begun and we are happy to say we will be in the states in about 7 weeks.  No doubt time will go by fast, especially with all of the end of the year activities on the calendar.  Can't wait!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Silly Girl

Our Little Miss Molly is quite the ham.  I set up the Pack n Play to take pictures of it.  Someone is interested in buying it, and I needed to email them some photos.  As soon as it was up she ran and got her doll then insisted on getting in.  She played in there for quite some time, and even wanted to eat lunch in it.  I was able to convince her that eating at the table was the best thing.  But sure enough, right after lunch she was right back in.  She napped and even slept all night in the Pack n Play.  How will we get this out of the house without her knowing???

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Backyard Fun

We have a small back yard but  Molly loves to be outside, so we have to make the best of it.  Molly and I picked up a few outside toys while grocery shopping today.  We've had really nice weather lately with temperatures in the 70's.  We've definitely been taking advantage of it.  

Once we had all come inside, had dinner and baths, Molly said the cutest thing.  "Totally nice outside today!"  Yep those were her exact words.   

Here is Tessie and Molly digging in the dirt in Molly's Fort.  (The dirt area under the stairs.)
Molly sporting her new hat.
Molly & Tessie blowing bubbles.
Sometimes I don't know who enjoys the bubbles more....Molly or Sadie.
Molly testing out her new golf clubs.
Molly checking on Sadie.  She asked "Watcha doin over der?"
Morgan played too when she got home from school.
Sadie looking pretty in the sun.
Enjoying a homemade Popsicle.

Monday, April 13, 2009

So Morgan says to me...

"Mom, do you know Noah from JKD?"  (He is a boy in the same grade as Morgan, but different classroom.)  

I reply: "Of course I know him.  I've seen him at school."

Morgan then says: "Yeah....he's a cute little guy."

I had to laugh.  She described him as though he was a toddler like Molly.  But he's actually a boy her own age.  Just funny the things that kids will come up with.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Something to smile about...

As most of you know, we spend just about every Friday night at the Seoul Club for Kid's Night/Happy Hour.  During happy hour there are the usual drink specials and free food.  This past week, the chef was putting out a new tray of food.  My friend Terri asked him if the circular shaped snacks were onion rings or calamari.  He replied...."No.  Its squid."  


Easter Brunch

We had Easter brunch at the Seoul Club today.  We met up with several of our friends and had a great day.  Once we finished eating, there were several activities planned for the kids.  Petting zoo, face painting, crafts, moon bounce and more.  The girls loved every minute of it.

Our Easter cuties!

Not lettin' go.

Showing off in the dining room.
The Easter Bunny made an appearance and delivered treat filled eggs to the kids.  The girls were so excited.  Molly didn't cry!!!  I think the candy one her over.
Petting Zoo!
Moon Bounce!

Still hangin' on to Daddy!
Pony ride!
Morgan & Katie wearing ears that they made and showing off their face paintings.
Molly was excited to get "makeup" too.  A cute little bunny that she was very proud of.

Molly loved petting the bunny.

Morgan was in heaven with all these bunnies.  She really, really wants one for a pet.  Don't get any ideas...we told her not until we move back to the States.

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter everyone!!  What an exciting day we've had.  Here are pics from this morning's basket/egg hunt.  

Mark has been in India all week long.  Molly was giving me a hard time about leaving last night to pick him up at the airport.  She was crying and carrying on.  Until, I told her I was "picking up daddy."  She said OK and I picked up Mark with no issue.  Then this morning, I walked in to get Molls out of bed and the first thing she said was "You got Daddy??"  She's pretty much been attached to him for the rest of the day.

She was so excited to have her daddy back, she wouldn't get down to find her basket...until she found out there was candy involved.
Found it!

I found it!
Basket full of goodies!
Got my basket!
Jet-lagged Daddy, hangin' on the couch.
Jellybeans for breakfast??  Yummy!!!

Squishy balls.