Friday, February 20, 2009

Just a Few B-day Pics...

We had our usual Friday night fun at Seoul Club...and then some.  It was a really fun night with some good friends.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today is my Birthday!

I started my morning out with Mark prompting Morgan to say "Happy Birthday, Mommy!"  It was cute.  She then proceeded to ask me if this is my "Real Birthday."  I told her yes.  She broke out into a huge grin and said "we need to have a celebration, with balloons and HUGE cake."  So sweet!  It's the thought that counts!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You might be driving on the streets of Seoul if...

*you see a car make a right hand turn from the far left hand turn lane and it's perfectly OK and acceptable.

*you see a car make a left hand turn from the far right hand turn lane and it's perfectly OK and acceptable.

*the car in front of you stops in the middle of the road, in rush hour traffic, so the passenger can get something out of the trunk.

*an ambulance has its lights and sirens on, but no one is moving out of the way to let them pass, so they wait in line like the rest of us.

*the taxi driver that was almost side-swiped by a bus is scolded by the bus driver.

*you're followed by a police car with his lights on and are not expected to pull over.

*you see motorcycles driving up the double yellow line of rush hour traffic.

*you see motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic with any warning that they are coming through.

*you've cursed more in your short time driving here than ever before in your whole life.

*the GPS in your car warns you ever 100 meters, 1.5 km before a traffic camera.

*you've been waiting at a traffic light for more than 5 minutes, only to have a taxi/big black sedan/bus cut in front of you because they didn't want to wait like everyone else.

*the right hand lane of traffic is blocked by the taxi whose driver needed to run into the local Family Mart/Coffee Shop.

*traffic is backed up on the highway because of the line of cars waiting to get their breakfast from the food vendor on the side of the road.

*you're not sure where to park, so you choose the sidewalk.

*it takes 45 minutes to drive just 5 miles.

*you don't know the rules of the road, so you make up your own.

*your Mother-in-law says you drive like a Taxi Driver and you're proud of it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valenswine Day!

Morgan had a small Valentine party at school on Friday.  The class broke into groups and traveled to 3 different activities.  I was there and played alphabet Bingo with the kids.  They were happy to use M&M's as their Bingo markers.  I arrived a little early and was able to hear Morgan's teacher read the kids a book called "Will you be my Valenswine?"  A cute book about a little pig looking for her "Valenswine".  When the teacher asked the class why do you think its named "Valenswine", one of the boys answered, but she wants good wine."  I couldn't help but chuckle.  

Of course the kids ate the M&Ms after playing Bingo.  They were also allowed to choose one treat from their collection of Valentine's they'd passed out to each other.  And after that sugar overload, they had indoor recess because of the rain.  Poor Mrs. Benger!!

Morgan walking to class in the rain.

Me & My girl!

The kids were allowed to wear pink that day.

Morgan & Erin

Digging into her Valentine's!

I should have seen it coming...

I was at yet another planning meeting for the Daddy Daughter Dance this week.  The coordinator for the dance started talking about next year and some things about sponsors and what not.  The entire time she was talking about next year's dance, she was looking at ME.  I said to her, "Anne, why are you talking at me?  Are you trying to say something here?"  And of course the whole group (4 ladies) started laughing and it was clear that I have been "chosen" to chair next year's dance.  Really I'm fine with it and would love to do it, and there are some obvious worries.  But I was completely blind sided that day.  So we will see.  Nothings been officially set in stone.  We still have this year's dance to get through.    

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Molly....again

Molly and I went to our Kindermusic class today.  During class, Miss Val brought out her guitar and the whole group sang Happy Birthday to Molly and another little Clare that will be 2 on Wednesday.  Miss Val also gave each of the birthday girls a party hat to wear.  Molly LOVED the hat and being sung to yet again.  She was happy to pose for pictures once we got home.  She is also modeling a new birthday outfit, courtesy of Nana & Grandpa Faust.  I really think that Molly thought today was her birthday all over again.  She was sung to, got to wear a special hat, and received a package in the mail.  After dinner she was asking for cake!

Sheeny Rosy-She Does Exist!

For those of us growing up Downriver, or maybe just in my family, Sheeny Rosy was not someone we wanted to meet.  Legend has it that Sheeny Rosy was a gypsy living in a junk yard.  Parents are rumored to have sold their rotten kids to Sheeny Rosy, never to be seen again. 

So maybe its a little harsh to say Morgan resembles a certain junk yard lady, but she certainly made some odd choices in her dress up attire tonight.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What's in a name?!?!

Today our Nanny Tessie told me that her sister gave birth to twin baby girls this past weekend.  Her family called her and gave the good news.  When I asked what the names were, she got a big smile and said that she had suggested Morgan Marie and Molly May (she couldn't remember that Molly's middle name is Michelle) and her sister LOVED the names.  So now there are 2 sweet twin baby girls with the almost same names as our girls.  And we think its great!  I'm anxious to hear what Morgan thinks of this.  

We did it!!!

Sadie and I made it up the BIG hill today.  If you'll recall from an earlier post this summer, Mark and I said we wanted to conquer the BIG hill by the end of the year.  Well it is the beginning of the year and Sadie and I did it.  (I may have just done this, but I've been up plenty of big hills here in Seoul since we arrived in July.)  We took it slow and steady and it felt great!  And I now have a greater appreciation for the women that do this in high heels.  Yikes!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Molly!

Molly turned 2 today!  We had a small tea party for her in celebration of the big day.  It didn't take long for Molly to figure out the whole Birthday Princess idea and she LOVED every minute of it.  Morgan's friend Gracie from school, and her sister Sophie came over for a play date and the tea party.  The girls quickly got into the dress ups (see pics below) and were ready for the party to start.  Molly was happy to sing the Birthday song to herself and was so excited about blowing out the candles that we had to do it twice.  She loves all of her presents but the biggest hits were the chapstick, cellphone, doll, and castle.    

"Yay!  I'm 2!!"
(P.S.  She had a pretty party dress on before she decided this was a better outfit for the party.)
Our "Wild Child!"
The sweet girl we know and love!
Big Sis offering "tea" to the Birthday girl.
Goodie Bags
Once again, chapstick is the hit of the party.
The Birthday Princess!
Yummy cupcakes!
Mom and the Birthday Girl

"I like cupcakes, Momma!"
Jumpin' with Sophie!
Paper, paper everywhere!
Daddy setting up the new castle.
She loves her new pink castle and played with it for a long time after her nap today.

She loves her new doll so much that the doll had to sit on her lap for lunch and sleep with her at nap time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

So what....that's it??!?!

Apparently Winter is almost over.  The weather has been great this week and will likely stick around for a bit.  It's 50 degrees today.  This warm streak has the expat community all a buzz asking "Can it be?  Is winter over?"

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Morgan's friend Ryan turned 5 on Sunday.  When his Mom, Terri, asked him what he wanted to do on his Birthday he said he wanted to go to "the place with the owls."  He wasn't talking about the Owl Museum.  Nope, nothing says Happy 5th Birthday like dinner at Hooters.  So we went along and had a fun time.  The kids all had a blast and I didn't have to cook last night.  Halfway through dinner Morgan asked "why are they wearing short-shorts?"  I told her to ask her Daddy.  

Even Molly had a fun time!
Ryan & Morgan

The Birthday Boy
Brendan, Ryan & Morgan with the Hooter Girls

Mark & Molly enjoying their wings

Burns' Night Dinner

On Saturday night, Mark and I attended the St. Andrew's Society of Seoul's Burns' Night Dinner, in honor of Robert Burns.  Really it was just an excuse to get together, have fun, make fun of men and woman and drink....a lot.  Here are a couple of pictures.

Haggis Ceremony

Haggis Ceremony
Not too bad considering I literally just stepped off of the airplane after an 18 hour trip, changed in the airport bathroom, did my makeup in the car, and managed to stay for almost the entire night.

My handsome date!